So what are the policy options on Greece?
In the last blog I asked the somewhat rhetorical question at
the end of the review of the Greek election and the rise of the
anything-but-austerity message and de-facto mandate of the Syriza party.
Listen to Syriza’s young Turk – sorry Greek! – leader, AlexisTsipras and you will get a sense of the policy cul de-sac that faces the Eurozone and
indeed Greece. Strip bare the posturing in the run-up to the Greek re-election
and the core message is blunt:
- we want to stay in the Eurozone because the alternative is worse – including a likely further widening of gulf between the Euro-have rich and the rest of Greek society left with a devalued drachma.
- but we want growth, jobs and an end to austerity
- we’ll renegotiate the austerity package with the EU and the IMF
and …here’s the trump card:
- if we leave the Euro then Portugal is “toast” by mid-morning next
The risks of contagion is the key reason why the Greece will
not be forced out of the Eurozone and why the stand-off will continue into the
summer, and beyond the 2nd election in June.
And the key risk is that of bank runs – both in Greece but
across the Eurozone. Purportedly close to €1bn was withdrawn in recent days in
Spain, itself set against a tide of de-ratings of its banks. The Greek banking system is itself on a €100bn
life-saver drip feed via the ELA – the emergency liquidity assistance from the ECB – which
was used successfully to save the Irish banking system after it went belly-up.
By corollary preserving confidence in the banking system
must be a key policy goal for the Eurozone.
The inherent problem of a single currency without a single
fiscal companion is a root concern. But another – and equally important – concern
has been the lack of a formal Lender-of-Last-Resort function at the ECB. The
ECB was coy about asserting this necessary central bank function when the Greek
crisis started in Greece in 2010 with deposit withdrawals and subsequent
deceline in Greek lending.
In effect the ECB under Draghi has started to ramp up
liquidity financing to its banks in the Eurozone that has helped to dampen immediate risk of bank-failures. But given recent German recalcitrance
on the extent of monetary easing underway, there is a palpable need for a firm
Eurozone wide blanket deposit protection scheme.
Secondly, the focus on growth will require banks to start
lending. And here we have a conundrum. The EBA is busy dealing with a lagged
policy concern on bank capitalisation. Paradoxically lending will decline as
banks, already risk-averse in the current economic climate, are forced by
regulators to focus on building capital buffers.
But these measures will only go so far.
Whence growth?
The current institutional dynamics will continue to mean a
step-by-step approach.
Pooling fiscal risk at a Eurozone level is not likely in the
near term but interestingly a step in this direction has been made through a common
€230m project bond that will be
signed-off by Eurozone leaders for
project finance financed under the European Investment Bank. According to the
EC there is potential demand for €1.5-2 trn to 2020 in order to modernise
Unsurprisingly there has been angst by the northern Eurozoners
to what could become a contingent fiscal liability.
And there will be problems with anyone familiar with EU
structural funds let alone large-scale financing generally – ready made
projects are hard to find and “absorption capacity” is often the key problem
rather than of obtaining funding, particularly if real rate of return exceeds a notional benchmark of 4%.
As well as the other obvious issue that often co-financing
requirements will actually lead to rising fiscal indebtedness for the very
countries such as Greece, Portugal or
Spain that need this rise in Gross Investment to boost GDP when private demand remains moribund.
But on the bright side, the idea does suggest we may be
moving down the road of some form of EU-style shift toward on how to raise
Aggregate Demand. It will be interesting to see how the Hollande presidency emerges in its discussions with Berlin on the issue of EU-wide bonds generally.
It may also lead to co-opting with the slush of excess
global savings sloshing – both with Asset Managers and petro-rich Sovereign
Greek ownership of the structural reform will still be
required and the signs are that the re-election there – seen in the EU as a de
facto referendum on its membership of the Eurozone – will lead to a government
willing to continue implementing the austerity medicine.
A massive scale-up of
funding to ensure a safety net is needed, particularly as the economic
compression has exceeded forecasts/expectations in the IMF-EU programme. And
here the rise of Syriza may actually have worked to shake the EU body politic a
few degrees, even if Syriza does not come to hold power (it will be mightily
interesting if it does come to play a part in government, although I expect
Greece to still stay in the Eurozone).
Notwithstanding these above possibilities, ultimately there
has to be some form of fiscal transfer for the Monetary Union and the Economic
Union to which it is linked to work.
These already exist in the form of
Structural Funds to the tune of 4% of GDP that were designed to reduce
asymmetries across the Union, and through the Cohesion Fund that was
specifically a political pay-off to the southern EU in return for the “convergence
pain” of having to ditch their currencies in favour of the common Euro in the first place.
also shows that – leaving aside the niceties of possible modification of the EU Treaties – that in practice scale-up of targeted financing through an
established transfer mechanism is feasible.
It all depends alas, as always, on…politics and political will.